With age, sexual male power begins to fade. Not everyone knows how to increase the potency in men after 40, what to do to return the former erection and the sensations received from sexual intercourse. There are many methods for treating sexual dysfunction in adulthood, as well as eliminating this problem.
Causes of a decrease in potency in men after 40
A common problem with potency in men aged 40 and older is due to the age-related decline in testosterone. The average loss per year is about one percent and depends on external and internal causes.

Cause | Detailed description |
Diseases of the urogenital area | Erectile function depends on the state of the genitourinary system. The lack of normal blood supply due to diseases of the prostate gland leads to organ dysfunction when hormone synthesis, secretion production and secretion are disturbed. |
Cardiovascular diseases | Coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke lead to the fact that blood is intensively supplied to the brain, heart and lungs, the penis remains deprived. |
Hypertension | Taking diuretics, beta-blockers negatively affects erection. To exclude such an influence, if it takes place, they switch to a more gentle treatment, after consulting with a specialist. |
Hypodynamia | A sedentary lifestyle disrupts the circulation of the small pelvis. The internal organs begin to experience oxygen starvation, poisoned by toxic substances arising from improper metabolism. There is an accumulation of blood due to lack of oxygen, which provokes varicose veins, leads to varicose veins, constipation, sexual weakness and even impotence. |
Problems of a psychological nature | Stress, depression lead to a lack of sexual desire. Craving for sex begins to decline, which jeopardizes the preservation of sexual function. The formation of an inferiority complex is also a very common phenomenon. It is caused by fear of sexual intercourse due to failure during sex or an offensive statement by a partner. |
Not necessarily the reason lies in the psychological state or poor health. Every man should understand that lifestyle has a huge impact on sexual life. It may not affect the young body, but after forty make itself felt. The following factors pose the greatest danger:
- Obesity. Waist volumes allow you to understand the integrity of the picture regarding the state of the fat layer. The alarm should be sounded when it is more than 95 cm. Obesity is diagnosed if the volume is above 102 cm. The last representatives of the strong half of humanity are at risk. With thickening of the fat layer, there is a decrease in testosterone and the penis.
- Bad habits. Alcohol, nicotine, tar poison the body, negatively affect the functioning of the brain, internal organs, and the genitourinary system. Active smoking and alcohol abuse bring andropause closer by an average of 5-7 years.
Important! Pain during ejaculation, blood impurities in the semen, frequent and unpleasant ejaculation are a sure sign of prostatitis. You need to contact a specialist.
Signs of impotence in men
Reduced potency in men over 40 and erectile dysfunction can manifest themselves in completely different ways. The most important manifestation is the inability to have full sexual contact, which is repeated regularly. The disorder is accompanied by a whole complex of concomitant disorders. Doctors note the following signs:
- weak sexual attraction to the opposite sex, lack of desire, impotence;
- spontaneous tension of the phallus or complete lack of erection;
- psychological stress when trying to achieve orgasm;
- lethargy of the penis, leading to a decline in erection;
- premature/early ejaculation.
Many people think that impotence for a man at the age of 40 is impossible, but this is far from the truth. If you neglect the first symptoms, ignore the pain and discomfort during urination, indicating inflammatory processes, the worst can happen.
How to increase potency after 40?
The answer to the question depends on the reasons that led to this kind of problem. In order for the increase in potency to be successful, you need to contact a specialist, undergo an examination, and follow the doctor's instructions.
Specialized preparations
Erectile dysfunction, if a man is already forty, involves taking hormones to restore the concentration of testosterone in the blood and special stimulants that allow you to have a normal sex life. Drug therapy is a safe method that gives a good result, but side effects often occur:
- nausea;
- flushed face;
- arterial pressure;
- tachycardia;
- dizziness.
If these phenomena appear, the drug should be stopped immediately.
Medical treatment | Detailed description |
hormone therapy | Injections and capsules of prolonged action, that is, without a surge, but with the preservation of the achieved effect for up to three months. |
Instant drugs | They are used at the stage of advanced impotence to quickly achieve and maintain an erection for several hours or days. |
It is impossible to combine drugs with alcoholic beverages, since the effect will be less pronounced and prolonged. Wash down the tablets with plain water. They are not addictive and can be used daily. The main thing is to observe the dosage.
Bioactive Supplements
Various dietary supplements today are very popular among the strong half of humanity, who want to have no problems with sexual desire and potency.

Dietary supplements do not have obvious contraindications, but consultation with a doctor will not hurt.
Creams and ointments
Activate the flow of blood in the penis. Representatives of the strong half of humanity say that the use of such funds allows you to achieve a stable erection.
They are not medicinal and cannot fully restore an erection and cure male impotence, but are taken as adjuvants.
Folk methods and means
Impotence in bed caused by stress, overwork, congestion, perfectly eliminate the following folk recipes:
- Tincture based on dead bees. One part of the raw material is poured with three parts of vodka. The glass container is closed, cleaned for 3 weeks in a dark place. The solution is filtered 20 drops after a meal twice a day. A medicine is prepared from propolis with vodka in proportions of 1: 4 (20 g per 80 ml). They insist a week. 30 drops are dripped into a glass of water.
- Pollen pollen, rich in minerals and vitamins, is also considered an excellent helper for erectile dysfunction. To improve erection, a homeopathic remedy is taken in a teaspoon half an hour before breakfast.
- Castoreum. It has an unpleasant smell and taste, but the tincture from it is a faithful assistant in solving sexual problems. 200 g of dry anal beaver glands are placed per liter of vodka. Leave the container for a month. Drink before meals a teaspoon three times a day, washed down with "tea" from chicory.

Recipes are effective only in the absence of pathologies, but they help in combination with other means.
What exercises will help
Gymnastics to strengthen the pelvis, back muscles and abs allows you to increase the quality of sex, but not completely get rid of erection problems. As a preventive measure, to consolidate the achieved effect after treatment, the following exercises will help:
- bridge;
- butterfly;
- push-ups on the knees;
- pendulum;
- pumping of the pubic and coccygeal muscles.
In order not to become a victim of a sexual disorder, a man must lead an active and healthy lifestyle. You should walk more in the fresh air or run 2-3 times a week. Yoga classes worked well. For some, martial arts help improve potency.